



물가의 밤 Night by the sea






 Yaoi , Webtoons , Mature , Psychological


When he was just a student, Soohyun, ranked second, felt envious of the perfect Eunsung. Although he tried catching Eunsung, his soul aflame with passion, it wasn't enough, and he lost all his motivation upon graduation.As time passed, Soohyun forgot everything. However, when he saw Eunsung collapse for the first time, he felt extreme pleasure. With his obsession for Eunsung rekindling, he has a desire to see him fall even further in-front of him...


Side.72 days ago
Side.610 days ago
Side.517 days ago
Side.424 days ago
Side.3a month ago
Side.2a month ago
Side.1a month ago
Chapter 99.58 months ago
Chapter 998 months ago
Chapter 988 months ago
Chapter 979 months ago
Chapter 969 months ago
Chapter 959 months ago
Chapter 9410 months ago
Chapter 9310 months ago
Chapter 9210 months ago
Chapter 9110 months ago
Chapter 9010 months ago
Chapter 8910 months ago
Chapter 8810 months ago
Chapter 8710 months ago
Hitaus10 months ago
Chapter 8610 months ago
Chapter 8510 months ago
Chapter 8410 months ago
Chapter 8310 months ago
Chapter 8210 months ago
Chapter 8110 months ago
Chapter 8010 months ago
Chapter 7910 months ago
Chapter 7810 months ago
Chapter 7710 months ago
Chapter 7610 months ago
Chapter 7510 months ago
Chapter 7410 months ago
Notice. : Hiatus 210 months ago
Notice. : Hiatus 110 months ago
Chapter : Season 2 Epilogue10 months ago
Chapter 7310 months ago
Chapter 7210 months ago
Chapter 7110 months ago
Chapter 7010 months ago
Chapter 6910 months ago
Chapter 6810 months ago
Chapter 6710 months ago
Chapter 6610 months ago
Chapter 6510 months ago
Chapter 6410 months ago
Chapter 6310 months ago
Vol.2 : Chapter : Season 2 Epilogue10 months ago
Chapter 6210 months ago
Chapter 6110 months ago
Episode.. : Special Episode10 months ago
Chapter 6010 months ago
Chapter 5910 months ago
Chapter 5810 months ago
Chapter 5710 months ago
Chapter 5610 months ago
Chapter 5510 months ago
Chapter 5410 months ago
Chapter 5310 months ago
Chapter 5210 months ago
Chapter 5110 months ago
Chapter 5010 months ago
Chapter 4910 months ago
Chapter 4810 months ago
Chapter 4710 months ago
Chapter 4610 months ago
Chapter 4510 months ago
Chapter 4410 months ago
Chapter 4310 months ago
Chapter 4210 months ago
Chapter 4110 months ago
Chapter 4010 months ago
Chapter 3910 months ago
Chapter 3810 months ago
Chapter 3710 months ago
Chapter 36.5 : Hiatus10 months ago
Chapter 3610 months ago
Chapter 3510 months ago
Chapter 3410 months ago
Chapter 3310 months ago
Chapter 3210 months ago
Chapter 3110 months ago
Chapter 3010 months ago
Chapter 2910 months ago
Chapter 2810 months ago
Chapter 2710 months ago
Chapter 26.510 months ago
Chapter 2610 months ago
Chapter 2510 months ago
Chapter 2410 months ago
Chapter 2310 months ago
Chapter 2210 months ago
Chapter 2110 months ago
Chapter 2010 months ago
Chapter 1910 months ago
Chapter 1810 months ago
Chapter 1710 months ago
Chapter 1610 months ago
Chapter 1510 months ago
Chapter 1410 months ago
Chapter 1310 months ago
Chapter 1110 months ago
Chapter 1010 months ago
Chapter 910 months ago
Chapter 810 months ago
Chapter 710 months ago
Chapter 610 months ago
Vol.1 Chapter 510 months ago
Vol.1 Chapter 410 months ago
Vol.1 Chapter 310 months ago
Vol 1 Chapter 210 months ago
Vol.1 Chapter 110 months ago
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